European Winter School on Physical Organic Chemistry

2nd - 7th  February 2025

Chemistry of Confined Spaces


We are really sorry, but we don't have any more spots available at the school right now. 

But good news! The 2026 school is just around the corner. 

2026 theme is CHIRALITY


The European-Winter School on Physical Organic Chemistry (E-WISPOC), at its 18th edition, constitutes an unique opportunity to gain expertise in the field of Chemistry of Confined Spaces. The School is part of the cultural initiatives of the Organic Division of the Italian Chemical Society and it is co-organised with LUCES COST Action.


The 2025 edition of the European-Winter School on Physical Organic Chemistry (E-WISPOC 2025) will take place in Bressanone (Italy). The School will be held at the "Grüner Baum" Hotel where lecturers and students will be also accommodated in a friendly environment.


A pre-registration platform will be soon available to apply for admission and support for the participation at the school. There will be fellowships for Italian, rest-of-Europe and non-European participants.


The program consists of plenary lectures (60 minutes), each followed by a discussion session of 30 minutes. Lectures and discussions are held in the mornings and the evenings. The afternoons are free for ski and social activities. After-dinner sessions will be dedicated to poster presentations.

Co-organized by

Supported by